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a sociocultural project to connect Georgians from all regions

Values & Perspectives

Shavleg popkhadze.jpg
There’s no committee that says, ‘This is the type of person who can change the world – and you can’t.’ Realizing that anyone can do it is the first step. The next step is figuring out how you’re going to do it.

Shavleg Popkhadze

Ana vekua.jpg
The social impact is one of the main reasons why entrepreneurship is attractive to young people.

Ana Vekua

Tornike Gogisvanidze.jpg
How many people actually form opinions on a given issue, as well as what sorts of opinions they form, depends partly on their immediate situations, partly on more-general social-environmental factors, and partly on their preexisting knowledge, attitudes, and values.

Tornike Gogisvanidze

About the Project

In the second half of 2022, the West Georgian NGO ARGO and the East Georgian NGO ICPI held six workshops with Vasudeva e.V. (D), which focused on Georgia's future prospects.

The participants took part in personal development activities, which also addressed the social cohesion and economic development of the country.

A special focus was on the active involvement of Abkhazians and South Ossetians. During the activities, statements and questions were developed, which were presented to a wide variety of people in podcast interviews. The results of the project are presented on this website.

The project was managed by Vasudeva e.V. (Contact:
A big thanks for the visual project documentation and a lot of creative energy goes to AZ TU: (

Levan svanidze.jpg
Don’t be afraid to share an idea that gets your heart pumping, no matter how half-baked it may be, no matter how much resistance it meets.

Levan Svanidze

3. Lizi Akhalaia.jpg
I hope that after some time everything will be okay. I hope that the country will be more developed and as well will be a good example for others. The project’s topics about social entrepreneuring and ESC and Erasmus+ projects were so interesting for me. I also learnt how to make a good CV which I will use in the future and also how to be active on social media. This kind of projects are really helpful for youngsters who live in occupied regions of Georgia because as we know they have less opportunities and I think that we need more projects like “Develp2connect” to feel ourselves with other regions part of Georgia as well.

Lizi Akhalaia

90% of the participants confirm that they have become more open to participants from other regions

85% of the participants confirm that they can imagine working outside their own region

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